The company was founded in 1996 by Alex and Lidia Keylikhes. Name “Amber Room” derives from the legendary Amber Room – one of the chambers in Hermitage in St.Petersburg, Russia.
In the beginning we sold amber set in sterling silver.
Since not only amber but also our designs were very well admired, we started setting other rare semi precious stones.
Between some unique stones were Charoite and Serafinite from Siberia, Russia. As the demand For our jewelry was growing we kept adding variety stones to our collection. To amber, charoite, and serafinite we added turquoise, jade, black onyx, moonstone, lapis lazuli, and rhodochrosite. Also, we carry limited addition of larimar, labradorite, fire agate, blue lace agate, chalcedony, and cornelian.
Product Categories:
• Pendants
• Rings
• Earrings
• Bracelets
- cuff bracelets
- linked bracelets
- wire bracelets
• Necklaces
Company showroom is located in Miami International Merchandise Mart (very close to Miami International Airport), but we travel all over the United States participating in wholesale gem and jewelry shows. Most of our shows we do with G&LW (Gem & Jewelry Wholesalers) and International Gem and Jewelry Show. Also, once a year in February we participate in Tucson “Pueblo Inn” show.
Amber Room:
Unique Handmade Artisan Jewelry